Grants Pass wards in charge are responsible for decorating and snacks, and any additional leaders/helpers needed beyond the requiried chaperones (see below). A DJ will be provided by the Stake.

Dress:  Casual dress unless otherwise specified

Sunday Best/Formal: dress or skirt for girls, slacks, shirt and tie for guys.

Dressy: dress/skirt/dress pants for girls, button shirts and slacks for guys. No jeans.

Casual dress: jeans, nice shirt. No shorts.

See "For the Strength of Youth" booklet for guidance on dress standards.


GP  Grants Pass- 747 NE Savage St.

CP  Central Point- 2305 Taylor Rd.

M    Medford- 2900 Juanipero Way

Chaperones- For Grants Pass dances, each GP ward needs to provide at least one male AND one female adult leader. The leaders can be current youth leaders (presidency members, secretaries, bishopric members, advisors, specialists) or parents. Please arrive a few minutes early in order to get chaperone assignments.